Work with Me
I love working with open-minded, coach-able people, who are
serious about getting ahead.
Would that describe you? If so, please read on...
My goal is to expand the resources of Health, Hope, Fitness, Freedom in the lives of as many
people as possible. I want you to be able to have an energizing, important
impact on the world around you. To do that we need to fulfill our needs, so we
can begin to empower our dreams! It is hard to make a difference if we have
more bills than money and don’t have the energy to take action.
I'm talking about a real change.
A change that can allow you to re-design your lifestyle and create a better
living where you have more time, better health, more security and more
The key to making this happen is to unlearn what you were taught in school
about earning money and learn what the wealthy do that the poor and the middle
class don't do.
But this doesn't just magically happen overnight as so many gurus would have
you believe. You need to create something that generates this passive income
And this something that I'm referring to is known as a 'network for product
This means you need a high-quality product with a loyal consumer base.
I won't go into the nuts and bolts of this now. However, I can say that a
distribution network allows you to gain leverage, and in today's e-commerce
landscape, even regular non-techy types can capitalize on this emerging
business model. I can also tell you that this is NOT traditional door-to door selling. Nothing wrong with that but, this is more teaching and guiding people through information and letting them decide what to do. This is guiding people through a duplicatable system. We combine high-tech with high-touch.
I won't say that becoming an online entrepreneur is easy. It's not.
But it is fairly simple and has relatively low start-up costs compared to a
traditional business.
And if you follow the plan and you have an experienced guide who can show you the ropes, you can see growth quite quickly.
But if you don't have a guide, you can easily wander in circles and at best, take far longer than needed and at worst, become discouraged and give up.
And this is why you may want to work with me.
When you join my team, you get:
• One-on-one coaching from me.
• In-depth training on the exact process needed to build your business online and attract loyal customers.
• Access to free weekly training and support conference calls.
• Access to free educational webinars that teach you how to use social media, email marketing and more.
• Access to proven tools which help you attract traffic, capture leads and create sales online.
* Communication, newsletters, branding.
If you think that's you, then let's connect and discuss the possibilities of working together.
David Jones
Health, Hope, Fitness, Freedom!
Jones Health Concepts